Breakfast, Healthy Recipes, Healthy Treats, Recipes, Sweet, Vegan

Delicious Healthy Blueberry Pancakes

blueberry pancakes

Blueberry oat pancakes, can we get a halle-berry! Not only are they another healthy option to switch out your guilty breakfast treats, but they taste like heaven on earth. Think blueberry muffin but the blueberries are very present and they burst in your mouth with every bite – so juicy and delicious. 

blueberry pancakes with berries

This recipe is a special request from you guys asking, so we hope you all love the delicious healthier pancake stack and try it out! It’s so simple to recreate this yummy breakfast at home and we have given you all the steps to make it look just like ours!

You can of course leave off the icing sugar and maple syrup or swap the fruit for something more to your liking. Feel free to drop a comment on what variations you guys are inspired with,Please let us know in the comments what you come up with so we can try it too! 

American Blueberry Pancakes

Of course, you can stick to your normal thick style pancakes here with regular old flour. If you’re looking for more traditional American style blueberry pancakes all you need to do is adjust the recipe by removing the banana and oats. Then replace the oats with plain flour (so you will have 250g plain flour altogether in your batter) and add another egg. Voila! 

So our new ingredient list for traditional American blueberry pancakes is:

  • 250g plain flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 150g blueberries
  • 300ml milk
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • Butter/oil for frying

We would like to state our recipe is quite interchangeable between the two already. So if the texture of oats is something you can’t get on board with, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the recipe! We do think leaving whole oats gives the pancakes a delicious texture you wouldn’t expect though. Why not try something a little different and out of your comfort zone?

Can I use frozen blueberries in my pancakes?

If you find you only have frozen blueberries at hand and cannot be bothered to pop to the shops, fear not. You definitely can easily substitute frozen blueberries into your batter. Sometimes we actually prefer to use frozen blueberries as it gives that extra pop of blueberry flavour.

You will have to be careful as the water content is a lot higher in frozen blueberries. If substituting fresh with frozen we suggest:

  • Adding in the blueberries straight from the freezer when you’re just about to cook the pancakes and after your batter has rested. This stops the blueberries from defrosting too quickly and ensures we still get a bite from them.
  • We still need to add the frozen blueberries gently, if not even more. If we go in too quick, the blueberry juices will disperse throughout the batter leaving a liquidy purple mess.
  • The most important thing here is to not add defrosted blueberries into our mixture. The water content will be way too high and can ruin your beautifully prepared batter.

Spices&Hay Tip: why not add the whole frozen blueberries once you batter is already in the pan (one by one) and if you do have some reserved blueberry juices, gently drizzle onto the cooking batter before flipping! It sounds a bit long but honestly, if your blueberries haven’t defrosted, you can easily sprinkle them onto the batter!

Vegan Blueberry Pancakes

You can also make these vegan by swapping the eggs for flax eggs or an extra banana. When turning our pancakes vegan we need to remember that we need something to bind the batter together; hence the banana as it acts as a similar consistency to eggs when mushy or blended.

Banana Blueberry Pancakes

If you don’t want the banana to be too strong in your pancakes then we’d recommend opting to make the flax egg for your vegan alternative to eggs.

However, if you’re kind of digging the idea of banana blueberry pancakes, then go crazy and chuck in that second ba-nay-nay! Not only does the addition of the second banana essentially change the dish completely, it’s now vegan too!

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Healthy Blueberry Pancakes
Mouthwatering blueberry pancakes with a healthy oat twist on the classic American style pancakes. A simple, healthier take on a stack of thick pancakes with all of the berry wonderful toppings!
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Passive Time 10 minutes
Blueberry Oat Pancakes
Optional Toppings
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Passive Time 10 minutes
Blueberry Oat Pancakes
Optional Toppings
Votes: 0
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  1. Sift your chosen flour* and baking powder into a bowl and stir in the oats. Crack your eggs into the bowl and stir well into flour mixture.
  2. Slowly pour in your milk, continue whisking as you go. Mash your banana and add it into the batter. Stir in your blueberries gently with a spoon so they don’t break apart.
  3. If you don't mind waiting around for 10-15 minutes, set your batter aside to rest before we start cooking.
  4. Heat a little bit of butter/oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Add half a ladle of batter into your pan. If you have a pancake or egg ring, now is the time to whip it out. If not, practice makes perfect, but your pancakes don't need to be perfectly round! Use your spatula to round the edges off if the batter is dispersing around the pan too quickly.
  5. Cook for a few minutes - you will start to see bubbles coming to the surface. Then flip over and cook for a few minutes on the other side.
  6. To recreate our breakfast pancake stack, stack up 2-3 pancakes then top with sliced fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Take a tablespoon of maple syrup and drizzle it over the pancakes in a zigzag. Put your icing sugar in a sieve then hold over your pancakes and lightly tap. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

*Oat flour may be harder to sift. We like to prep a big batch of sifted homemade oat flour to store for use cases like this.

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